Source code for SurveyingCalculation.transformation_dialog

    GNU Gama interface classes for Land Surveying Plug-in for QGIS
    GPL v2.0 license
    Copyright (C) 2014-  DigiKom Kft.
    .. moduleauthor::Zoltan Siki <>

from PyQt4.QtGui import QDialog, QFileDialog
from PyQt4.QtCore import SIGNAL, QCoreApplication
from transformation_calc import Ui_TransformationCalcDialog

from surveying_util import *
from calculation import *

class TransformationDialog(QDialog):
[docs] Class for transformation calculation dialog """ def __init__(self): super(TransformationDialog, self).__init__() self.ui = Ui_TransformationCalcDialog() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.from_points = [] self.common = [] self.used = [] self.ui.CloseButton.clicked.connect(self.onCloseButton) self.ui.ResetButton.clicked.connect(self.onResetButton) self.ui.ToFileButton.clicked.connect(self.onToFileButton) self.ui.AddButton.clicked.connect(self.onAddButton) self.ui.RemoveButton.clicked.connect(self.onRemoveButton) self.ui.CalcButton.clicked.connect(self.onCalcButton) # coordinate list changed self.connect(self.ui.FromLayerComboBox, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(const QString&)"), self.fill_common) def showEvent(self, event): """
[docs] set up initial state of dialog """ self.reset() def reset(self): """
[docs] Reset dialog to initial state """ # fill from list self.ui.FromLayerComboBox.clear() clist = get_coordlist() if clist is not None: self.ui.FromLayerComboBox.addItems(clist) # clear to file self.ui.ToShapeEdit.setText('') # clear comon & used list self.ui.CommonList.clear() self.ui.UsedList.clear() # select orthogonal transformation self.ui.OrthogonalRadio.setChecked(False) self.ui.AffineRadio.setChecked(False) self.ui.ThirdRadio.setChecked(False) self.ui.FourthRadio.setChecked(False) self.ui.FifthRadio.setChecked(False) self.ui.OrthogonalRadio.setEnabled(False) self.ui.AffineRadio.setEnabled(False) self.ui.ThirdRadio.setEnabled(False) self.ui.FourthRadio.setEnabled(False) self.ui.FifthRadio.setEnabled(False) self.ui.ResultTextBrowser.clear() def onCloseButton(self): """
[docs] Close dialog after Close button pressed """ self.accept() def onResetButton(self): """
[docs] Reset dialog to initial state after Reset button pressed """ self.reset() def onToFileButton(self): """
[docs] Select target shape file """ fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None,'Coordinate list'), filter='Coordinate list file (*.shp);;')) if fname: self.ui.ToShapeEdit.setText(fname) if len(self.ui.FromLayerComboBox.currentText()): # fill common list self.fill_common() else: self.ui.ToShapeEdit.setText('') # clear comon & used list self.ui.CommonList.clear() self.ui.UsedList.clear() def onAddButton(self): """
[docs] Add selected points to used points in transformation """ selected = self.ui.CommonList.selectedItems() for item in selected: i = self.ui.CommonList.row(item) self.ui.UsedList.addItem(self.ui.CommonList.takeItem(i)) self.used.append(self.common[i]) del self.common[i] #i = self.ui.CommonList.currentRow() #if i < 0: # return #item = self.ui.CommonList.takeItem(i) #self.ui.UsedList.addItem(item) #self.used.append(self.common[i]) #del self.common[i] if len(self.used) > 1: self.ui.OrthogonalRadio.setEnabled(True) if len(self.used) > 2: self.ui.AffineRadio.setEnabled(True) if len(self.used) > 9: self.ui.ThirdRadio.setEnabled(True) if len(self.used) > 14: self.ui.FourthRadio.setEnabled(True) if len(self.used) > 20: self.ui.FifthRadio.setEnabled(True) def onRemoveButton(self): """
[docs] Remove selected points from used points """ selected = self.ui.UsedList.selectedItems() for item in selected: i = self.ui.UsedList.row(item) self.ui.CommonList.addItem(self.ui.UsedList.takeItem(i)) self.common.append(self.used[i]) del self.used[i] #i = self.ui.UsedList.currentRow() #if i < 0: # return #item = self.ui.UsedList.takeItem(i) #self.ui.CommonList.addItem(item) #self.common.append(self.used[i]) #del self.used[i] if len(self.used) < 2: self.ui.OrthogonalRadio.setEnabled(False) if len(self.used) < 3: self.ui.AffineRadio.setEnabled(False) if len(self.used) < 10: self.ui.ThirdRadio.setEnabled(False) if len(self.used) < 15: self.ui.FourthRadio.setEnabled(False) if len(self.used) < 21: self.ui.FifthRadio.setEnabled(False) def fill_common(self): """
[docs] Find common points in coordinate lists """ self.ui.UsedList.clear() self.ui.CommonList.clear() from_name = self.ui.FromLayerComboBox.currentText() to_name = self.ui.ToShapeEdit.text() if len(from_name) == 0 or len(to_name) == 0: return to_shp = QgsVectorLayer(to_name, "tmp_to_shape", "ogr") QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(to_shp, False) to_points = get_known(2, "tmp_to_shape") QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().removeMapLayer("tmp_to_shape") self.from_points = get_known(2, from_name) self.common = [] self.used = [] for from_p in self.from_points: if from_p in to_points: self.common.append(from_p) for p in self.common: self.ui.CommonList.addItem(p) def onCalcButton(self): """
[docs] Start transformation calculation """ from_list = self.ui.FromLayerComboBox.currentText() to_list = 'tmp_to_shape' p_list = [] to_name = self.ui.ToShapeEdit.text() to_shp = QgsVectorLayer(to_name, "tmp_to_shape", "ogr") QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(to_shp, False) for point_id in self.used: # get coords of points p_from = get_coord(point_id, from_list) p_to = get_coord(point_id, to_list) p_list.append([p_from, p_to]) if self.ui.OrthogonalRadio.isChecked(): tr = Calculation.orthogonal_transformation(p_list) tr_func = self.ortho_tr self.ui.ResultTextBrowser.append(QCoreApplication.translate('SurveyingCalculation', '\nOrthogonal transformation')) elif self.ui.AffineRadio.isChecked(): tr = Calculation.affine_transformation(p_list) tr_func = self.affine_tr self.ui.ResultTextBrowser.append(QCoreApplication.translate('SurveyingCalculation', '\nAffine transformation')) elif self.ui.ThirdRadio.isChecked(): tr = Calculation.polynomial_transformation(p_list, 3) tr_func = self.poly3_tr self.ui.ResultTextBrowser.append(QCoreApplication.translate('SurveyingCalculation', '\n3rd order polynomial transformation')) elif self.ui.FourthRadio.isChecked(): tr = Calculation.polynomial_transformation(p_list, 4) tr_func = self.poly4_tr self.ui.ResultTextBrowser.append(QCoreApplication.translate('SurveyingCalculation', '\n4th order polynomial transformation')) elif self.ui.FifthRadio.isChecked(): tr = Calculation.polynomial_transformation(p_list, 5) tr_func = self.poly5_tr self.ui.ResultTextBrowser.append(QCoreApplication.translate('SurveyingCalculation', '\n5th order polynomial transformation')) # calculate transformed coordinates self.ui.ResultTextBrowser.append(QCoreApplication.translate('SurveyingCalculation', 'Point num E from N from E to N to dE dN')) for (p_from, p_to) in p_list: (e, n) = tr_func(p_from, tr) de = p_to.e - e dn = p_to.n - n buf = '%-20s ' % + \ '%12.3f ' % p_from.e + '%12.3f ' % p_from.n + \ '%12.3f ' % p_to.e + '%12.3f ' % p_to.n + \ '%6.3f ' % de + '%6.3f ' % dn self.ui.ResultTextBrowser.append(buf) # transform and store for p_num in self.from_points: if not p_num in self.common: p = get_coord(p_num, from_list) (e, n) = tr_func(p, tr) buf = '%-20s ' % + \ '%12.3f ' % p.e + '%12.3f ' % p.n + \ '%12.3f ' % e + '%12.3f ' % n self.ui.ResultTextBrowser.append(buf) pp = Point(p_num, e, n, pc='transformed') ScPoint(p).store_coord(2, "tmp_to_shape") QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().removeMapLayer("tmp_to_shape") def ortho_tr(self, p, tr): """
[docs] Calculate orthogonal transformation for a point """ e = tr[0] + tr[2] * p.e - tr[3] * p.n n = tr[1] + tr[3] * p.e + tr[2] * p.n return [e, n] def affine_tr(self, p, tr): """
[docs] Calculate affine transformation for a point """ e = tr[0] + tr[2] * p.e + tr[3] * p.n n = tr[1] + tr[4] * p.e + tr[5] * p.n return [e, n] def poly3_tr(self, p, tr): """
[docs] Calculate 3rd order polynomial transformation for a point :param p: point to transform (Point) :param tr: transformation parameters :return (e, n) transformed coordinates """ de = p.e - tr[2][0] dn = p.n - tr[2][1] e = tr[0][0] + tr[0][1] * de + tr[0][2] * de**2 + tr[0][3] * de **3 + \ tr[0][4] * dn + tr[0][5] * de * dn + tr[0][6] * de**2 * dn + \ tr[0][7] * dn **2 + tr[0][8] * de * dn**2 + tr[0][9] * dn**3 + \ tr[2][2] n = tr[1][0] + tr[1][1] * de + tr[1][2] * de**2 + tr[1][3] * de **3 + \ tr[1][4] * dn + tr[1][5] * de * dn + tr[1][6] * de**2 * dn + \ tr[1][7] * dn **2 + tr[1][8] * de * dn**2 + tr[1][9] * dn**3 + \ tr[2][3] return [e, n] def poly4_tr(self, p, tr): """
[docs] Calculate 4th order polynomial transformation for a point """ pass def poly5_tr(self, p, tr): """
[docs] Calculate 5th order polynomial transformation for a point """ pass