Source code for SurveyingCalculation.base_classes

.. module:: base_classes
	:platform: Linux, Windows
	:synopsis: Basic classes for Land Surveying Plug-in for QGIS GPL v2.0 license Copyright (C) 2014-  DigiKom Kft.

.. moduleauthor::Zoltan Siki <>

import re
import math

RO = 180 * 60 * 60 / math.pi
PISEC = 180 * 60 * 60
FOOT2M = 0.3048

class Angle(object):
    """ Angle class, value stored in radian internally
[docs] """ def __init__(self, value, unit='RAD'): """ Create :param value: angle value :param unit: angle unit (RAD/DMS/DEG/GON/NMEA/PDEG/SEC/MIL) """ self.set_angle(value, unit) def get_angle(self, out='RAD'): """ Get angle value in diffferent units
[docs] :param out: output unit (RAD/DMS/DEG/GON/NMEA/PDEG/SEC) :returns float or string """ if self.value is None: output = None elif out == 'RAD': output = self.value elif out == 'DMS': output = self.__dms() elif out == 'DEG': output = self.__rad2deg() elif out == 'GON': output = self.__rad2gon() elif out == 'NMEA': output = self.__rad2dm() elif out == 'PDEG': # pseudo decimal DMS ddd.mmss output = self.__rad2pdeg() elif out == 'SEC': output = self.__rad2sec() elif out == 'MIL': output = self.__rad2mil() else: output = None return output def set_angle(self, value, unit='RAD'): """
[docs] Change value of angle :param value: new value for angle :param unit: unit for the new value :return: none """ if unit == 'RAD' or value is None: self.value = value elif unit == 'DMS': self.value = self.__dms2rad(value) elif unit == 'DEG': self.value = self.__deg2rad(value) elif unit == 'GON': self.value = self.__gon2rad(value) elif unit == 'NMEA': self.value = self.__dm2rad(value) elif unit == 'PDEG': self.value = self.__pdeg2rad(value) elif unit == 'SEC': self.value = self.__sec2rad(value) elif unit == 'MIL': self.value = self.__mil2rad(value) else: # unknown unit self.value = None # move angle to 0 - 2*PI interval if self.value is not None: while self.value >= 2.0 * math.pi: self.value -= 2.0 * math.pi while self.value < 0.0: self.value += 2.0 * math.pi def __deg2rad(self, angle): try:
a = math.radians(angle) except (ValueError, TypeError): a = None return a def __gon2rad(self, angle): try: a = angle / 200.0 * math.pi except (ValueError, TypeError): a = None return a def __dms2rad(self, dms): if'^[0-9]{1,3}(-[0-9]{1,2}){0,2}$', dms): items = [float(item) for item in dms.split('-')] div = 1.0 a = 0.0 for i, val in enumerate(items): a += val / div div *= 60.0 a = math.radians(a) else: a = None return a def __dm2rad(self, angle): "DDMM.nnnnnn NMEA angle to radian" try: w = angle / 100.0 d = int(w) a = math.radians(d + (w - d) * 100.0 / 60.0) except (ValueError, TypeError): a = None return a def __pdeg2rad(self, angle): "dd.mmss to radian" try: d = math.floor(angle) angle = round((angle - d) * 100, 10) m = math.floor(angle) s = round((angle - m) * 100, 10) a = math.radians(d + m / 60.0 + s / 3600.0) except (ValueError, TypeError): a = None return a def __sec2rad(self, angle): try: a = angle / RO except (ValueError, TypeError): a = None return a def __mil2rad(self, angle): try: a = angle / 6400.0 * 2.0 * math.pi except (ValueError, TypeError): a = None return a def __rad2gon(self): try: a = self.value / math.pi * 200.0 except (ValueError, TypeError): a = None return a def __rad2sec(self): try: a = self.value * RO except (ValueError, TypeError): a = None return a def __rad2deg(self): try: a = math.degrees(self.value) except (ValueError, TypeError): a = None return a def __dms(self): try: secs = round(self.__rad2sec()) min, sec = divmod(secs, 60) deg, min = divmod(min, 60) deg = int(deg) dms = "%d-%02d-%02d" % (deg, min, sec) except (ValueError, TypeError): dms = None return dms def __rad2dm(self): try: w = self.value / math.pi * 180.0 d = int(w) a = d * 100 + (w - d) * 60 except (ValueError, TypeError): a = None return a def __rad2pdeg(self): try: secs = round(self.__rad2sec()) min, sec = divmod(secs, 60) deg, min = divmod(min, 60) deg = int(deg) pdeg = deg + min / 100.0 + sec / 10000.0 except (ValueError, TypeError): pdeg = None return pdeg def __rad2mil(self): try: w = self.value / math.pi / 2.0 * 6400.0 except (ValueError, TypeError): w = None return w class Point(object): """
[docs] Point class """ def __init__(self, id, e=None, n=None, z=None, pc=None, pt=None): """ initialize new Point object :param id: point name (string), use '@' for temporary points :param e: easting coordinate (float) :param n: northing coordinate (float) :param z: elevation (float) :param pc: point code (string) :param pt: point type (string, e.g. controll/detail) """ = id self.e = e self.n = n self.z = z self.pc = pc = pt class Distance(object): """
[docs] Distance observation """ def __init__(self, d, m='SD'): """ :param d: distance value :param m: slope/horizontal/vertical distance SD/HD/VD """ self.d = d self.mode = m class PolarObservation(object): """
[docs] Polar observation classs """ def __init__(self, tp, station=None, hz=None, v=None, d=None, th=None, pc=None): """ Initialize new Polar observation object. There are two types of PolarObservation, station record and observation record. In station record instrument height is stored in th field, orientation angle stored in hz, v and d must be None :param tp: target point id/station point id (string) :param station: if not None, this is a station record :param hz: horizontal angle/orientation angle (Angle) :param v: zenith angle (Angle) :param d: slope distance (Distance) :param th: target height/instrument height (float) :param pc: point code (string) """ if station is not None: # remove distance and zenith v = None d = None self.point_id = tp self.station = station self.hz = hz self.v = v self.d = d = th self.pc = pc def horiz_dist(self): if self.d is None: return None if self.d.mode == 'HD': return self.d.d elif self.d.mode == 'SD': return self.d.d * math.sin(self.v.get_angle()) elif self.d.mode == 'VD': return 0.0 return None class Station(object): """
[docs] station data """ def __init__(self, p, o): """ :param p point data (Point) :param o observation data (PolarObservation) orientation angle in hz field, instrument height in th field """ self.p = p self.o = o class Circle(object): """
[docs] circle object """ def __init__(self, p1, p2, p3=None): """ Multiple initialize signatures 1. Center and radius given :param p1 center point (Point) :param p2 radius (float) :param p3 None 2. Calculate circle parameters from three points center is the intersection of orthogonals at the midpoints :param p1: first point (Point) :param p2: second point (Point) :param p3: third point (Point) 3 Calculate circle parameters defined by two points and included angle :param p1: first point (Point) :param p2: second point (Point) :param p3: included angle (radian) (Angle) """ if isinstance(p1, Point) and isinstance(p2, float): self.p = p1 self.r = p2 elif isinstance(p1, Point) and isinstance(p2, Point) and isinstance(p3, Point): self.p = self.__center(p1, p2, p3) if self.p is not None: self.r = distance2d(self.p, p1).d else: self.r = None elif isinstance(p1, Point) and isinstance(p2, Point) and isinstance(p3, Angle): t2 = distance2d(p1, p2).d / 2.0 try: d = t2 / math.tan(p3.get_angle() / 2.0) except (ZeroDivisionError): self.p = None self.r = None return dab = bearing(p1, p2) e3 = p1.e + t2 * math.sin(dab.get_angle()) + d * math.cos(dab.get_angle()) n3 = p1.n + t2 * math.cos(dab.get_angle()) - d * math.sin(dab.get_angle()) p4 = Point("@", e3, n3) self.p = self.__center(p1, p2, p4) self.r = distance2d(self.p, p1).d else: self.p = None self.r = None def __center(self, p1, p2, p3): # midpoints midp12 = Point("@", (p1.e + p2.e) / 2.0, (p1.n + p2.n) / 2.0) midp23 = Point("@", (p2.e + p3.e) / 2.0, (p2.n + p3.n) / 2.0) d12 = bearing(p1, p2).get_angle() + math.pi / 2.0 d23 = bearing(p2, p3).get_angle() + math.pi / 2.0 return intersecLL( midp12, midp23, d12, d23 ) def distance2d(p1, p2): """
[docs] Calculate horizontal distance between two points """ try: d = math.sqrt((p2.e - p1.e) ** 2 + (p2.n - p1.n) ** 2) except (TypeError, ValueError): return None return Distance(d, 'HD') def distance3d(p1, p2): """
[docs] Calculate 3D distance between two points """ try: d = math.sqrt((p2.e - p1.e) ** 2 + (p2.n - p1.n) ** 2 + (p2.z - p1.z) ** 2) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None return Distance(d, 'SD') def bearing(p1, p2): """
[docs] Calculate whole circle bearing """ try: wcb = math.atan2(p2.e - p1.e, p2.n - p1.n) while wcb < 0: wcb = wcb + 2.0 * math.pi except TypeError: return None return Angle(wcb) def intersecLL(pa, pb, dap, dbp): """
[docs] Calculate intersection of two lines solving xa + t1 * sin dap = xb + t2 * sin dbp ya + t1 * cos dap = yb + t2 * cos dbp :param pa first point :param pb second point :param dap direction (bearing) from first point to new point :param dbp direction (bearing) from second point to new point :return xp yp as a list or an empty list if lines are near paralel """ try: sdap = math.sin(dap) cdap = math.cos(dap) sdbp = math.sin(dbp) cdbp = math.cos(dbp) det = sdap*cdbp - sdbp*cdap t1 = ((pb.e - pa.e) * cdbp - (pb.n - pa.n) * sdbp) / det e = pa.e + t1 * sdap n = pa.n + t1 * cdap return Point("@", e, n) except (ValueError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError): return None def intersecCC(circle1, circle2): """
[docs] Calculate intersection of two circles solving (x - x01)^2 + (y - y01)^2 = r1^2 (x - x02)^2 + (y - y02)^2 = r2^2 :param circle1: center coordinates and radius of first circle (Circle) :param circle2: center coordinates and radius of first circle (Circle) :return two, one or none intersection as a list """ try: swap = False if math.fabs( circle2.p.e - circle1.p.e ) < 0.001: circle1.p.e, circle1.p.n = circle1.p.n, circle1.p.e circle2.p.e, circle2.p.n = circle2.p.n, circle2.p.e swap = True t = ( circle1.r ** 2 - circle1.p.e ** 2 - circle2.r ** 2 + \ circle2.p.e ** 2 + circle2.p.n ** 2 - circle1.p.n ** 2 ) / 2.0 de = circle2.p.e - circle1.p.e dn = circle2.p.n - circle1.p.n a = 1.0 + dn * dn / de / de b = 2.0 * (circle1.p.e * dn / de - circle1.p.n - t * dn / de / de ) c = t * t / de / de - 2 * circle1.p.e * t / de - circle1.r ** 2 + \ circle1.p.e ** 2 + circle1.p.n ** 2 d = b * b - 4 * a * c np1 = (-b + math.sqrt(d)) / 2.0 / a np2 = (-b - math.sqrt(d)) / 2.0 / a ep1 = (t - dn * np1) / de ep2 = (t - dn * np2) / de if swap == False: return [ Point("@",ep1,np1), Point("@",ep2,np2) ] else: return [ Point("@",np1,ep1), Point("@",np2,ep2) ] except (ValueError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError): return None def compare (a, b, tol=0.001): """
[docs] compare to objects for equality :param a: first instance :param b: second instance """ if a is None and b is None: return True if type(a) != type(b): return False if type(a) is str or type(a) is int or type(a) is bool: # simple numeric, string variables return a == b if type(a) is float: return math.fabs(a - b) < tol for i in a.__dict__.keys(): if not compare(a.__dict__[i], b.__dict__[i], tol): return False return True if __name__ == "__main__": """
unit test """ a = Point('1', 100, 200) if not compare(a, a): print "Compare function test failed" print "Test for Angle class" adms = '359-59-59' a = Angle(adms, 'DMS') if not compare(a.get_angle('DMS'), adms): print "DMS test failed" if not compare(Angle(a.get_angle('RAD'), 'RAD').get_angle('DMS'), adms): print "RAD test failed" if not compare(Angle(a.get_angle('DMS'), 'DMS').get_angle('DMS'), adms): print "DMS 2 test failed" if not compare(Angle(a.get_angle('DEG'), 'DEG').get_angle('DMS'), adms): print "DEG test failed" if not compare(Angle(a.get_angle('GON'), 'GON').get_angle('DMS'), adms): print "GON test failed" if not compare(Angle(a.get_angle('NMEA'), 'NMEA').get_angle('DMS'), adms): print "NMEA test failed" if not compare(Angle(a.get_angle('PDEG'), 'PDEG').get_angle('DMS'), adms): print "PDEG test failed" if not compare(Angle('16-20', 'DMS').get_angle('DMS'), '16-20-00'): print "Short DMS test failed" if not compare(Angle('16', 'DMS').get_angle('DMS'), '16-00-00'): print "Short DMS 2 test failed" # new test style to continue from here p = [Point('1', 1000, 2000, 50), Point('2', 1500, 2000, 60)] o = [PolarObservation('1', 'station', None, None, None, 1.54), PolarObservation('2', None, Angle(60.9345, 'GON'), Angle(89.855615, 'DEG'), Distance(501.105, 'SD'), 1.80)] if not compare(o[1].horiz_dist(), 501.103): print "Horizontal distance test failed" c = Circle(Point('3', 100, 200), 100.0) if not compare(c.p.e, 100): print "Circle from center and radius test failed by e" if not compare(c.p.n, 200): print "Circle from center and radius test failed by n" if not compare(c.r, 100.0): print "Circle from center and radius test failed by r" c = Circle(Point('4', 0, 50), Point('5', 50, 100), Point('6', 100, 50)) if not compare(c.p.e, 50.0): print "Circle from 3 points test failed by e" if not compare(c.p.n, 50.0): print "Circle from 3 points test failed by n" if not compare(c.r, 50.0): print "Circle from 3 points test failed by r" c = Circle(Point('4', 50, 50), Point('5', 100, 100), Point('6', 200, 200)) c = Circle(Point('4', 100, 100), Point('5', 0, 100), Angle(60, 'DEG')) if not compare(c.p.e, 50.0): print "Circle from 2 points and angle test failed by e" if not compare(c.p.n, 128.867513459): print "Circle from 2 points and angle test failed by n" if not compare(c.r, 57.735026919): print "Circle from 2 points and angle test failed by r"